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No.264 の関連記事表示

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No.264/Runtime Error!!!
■投稿者/ skyfly0702 -(2003/05/15(Thu) 03:16:04)

    when I enter the stage "ボロー荒野",
    it shows a new window to tell me :
    "Runtime Error!",and the program is terminated.
    I try to update to 1.02,
    bur the error is still existing.

    Please tell me how to solve this problem.

親記事 /過去ログ2より / 関連記事表示

No.270/Re[1]: Runtime Error!!!
■投稿者/ Support Staff★ -(2003/05/15(Thu) 14:35:37)

    > when I enter the stage "ボロー荒野",
    > it shows a new window to tell me :
    > "Runtime Error!",and the program is terminated.
    > I try to update to 1.02,
    > bur the error is still existing.
    > Please tell me how to solve this problem.
    > Thanks!!

    Thanks for your inquiry.
    Sorry to say, the problem was reported several times but not solved yet,
    because the problem can't be reproduced on our testing environment.

    So, please write the details about your PC environment,
    such as machine model number (or mother board),
    main memory amount, video card name, sound card name,
    OS version, DirectX version, etc.

    Also, if you have some time, please send your savedata file
    (SAVE**.DAT on /savedata directory) to support mail adress<>.
    This may help to solve the problem.

    Thanks in advance.
記事No.264 のレス /過去ログ2より / 関連記事表示

No.279/Re[2]: Runtime Error!!!
■投稿者/ madoka -(2003/05/15(Thu) 22:16:34)

    The file may be damaged in the transmission error etc. All the files of CD-ROM are copied to a suitable folder. And please click avsetup.exe in the made folder. Please carry out the patch of the correction 1.02 after the completion of installation. the case where DirectX is 9.0 -- surely -- 9.0a -- updating -- I wish Please also make the driver of VGA 9.0a correspondence
記事No.264 のレス /過去ログ2より / 関連記事表示

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