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No.219 の関連記事表示

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No.219/Help to buy it
■投稿者/ Paul -(2003/04/24(Thu) 06:33:57)


    Im from the United Kingdom and I'm crasy to buy this Beautiful game!!!! But I've got a Big Problem,I can't buy it from amazon.co.jp because they said this Item is not avalilevle for the rest of the world , SO iM' VERY SAD BEACUSE i WANT THIS GAME! i think this game is ecxellent i have played the DEMO and is perfect! but ,

    Can somebody tell how can I buy it??? or from where?

    and I would like to known if this game is going to be relesed to Europe as well?

    Many Thanks!

    Paul Contreras
親記事 / 関連記事表示

No.226/Re[1]: Help to buy it
■投稿者/ DAL,HMPR -(2003/04/25(Fri) 00:28:20)

    The only neat thing to do is...Go there.


    I wish that you can receive this good game,and...
    Flap the Angel's wings over the ground of United Kingdom!

    DAL,Her Majesty the Princess Elise Royalguard.

    追伸:え〜っと、世界展開の予定は無いんですかね? クロムシックスさんw
記事No.219 のレス / 関連記事表示

No.227/Re[2]: Help to buy it
■投稿者/ Paul -(2003/04/25(Fri) 06:54:52)

    thanks!!!!! one hundred of thanks!!! i jist bought it from there and is going to arrive VERY SOON!!!!! I'm sooo exited!!! thanks my Friend!

    Paul san!
記事No.219 のレス / 関連記事表示

No.228/Re[3]: Help to buy it
■投稿者/ Syo! -(2003/04/25(Fri) 07:24:32)

    > ■
    > thanks!!!!! one hundred of thanks!!! i jist bought it from there and is going to arrive VERY SOON!!!!! I'm sooo exited!!! thanks my Friend!

    Great! Probably you'd be the first Angelic Vale player outside Japan!
    Hope you'd have no trouble playing and like it.

    I just bought my copy yesterday morning at Sofmat store in Japan,
    but have little time to play due to job deadline...
記事No.219 のレス / 関連記事表示

No.231/Re[4]: Help to buy it
■投稿者/ Paul -(2003/04/26(Sat) 18:43:15)

    well I boutgh it from Himeya and I hope arrive soon because I'm crasy for the kind of games , I didn't have problems makeing work the DEMO in my Pc, and I think is going to work well!! ^^

    And can somebody tell me about that patch??? what's that? do I really need it?

    Many thanks to everybody! Fly highter then anyone else!!! ^^'
記事No.219 のレス / 関連記事表示

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